“Blood on Their Hands”
This is our book. “Our” here means the fellows of Konrad Adenauer Centre for Journalism. I am one of the fellow and my master project on community radio in Indonesia is included in the book.
This book launched in Diamond Hotel, Manila, May 3 2007.
And this is us, seven out of eight writers. The one without books is Chay Hofilena, our dearest teacher at Ateneo.
From left to right, Jofelle, Dev, Nini, Chay, Arlene, Karen, Me and Diosa.
pictures: Jimmy, ACFJ
Wow, congrats for the book publishing!!! Can I have 1 copy? 🙂
oleh-olehnya dari Manila mana? cuman buku doang? basi ah 😀
me itu mamaqiya?
Yup, me itu si mamaqiya. Buku-nya terbitan ateneo Manila, mas Firman. Kayaknya tidak dijual di Jakarta. Aku aja cuman dapat 5 copies.
wah selamat yah shita.. dimana saya bisa dapatkan bukumu itu ya? sukses selalu!